by Bic RungaCOMPOSER
Anthem, Kiwi Classics, PopularATTRIBUTES
Videos are in NOW AVAILABLE, check them out below (New Zealand territory only).Learning Tracks






Can these song be performed by anyone publicly?
Hi Sharon, most songs can be performed publicly, but any live performance, especially when ticket sales are involved, incur royalty payments to the artist and composer via APRA. https://www.apraamcos.co.nz/music-licences
Kia ora everyone, GREAT NEWS, the videos of Sway for all parts are now available for your learning pleasure (New Zealand only). Enjoy!
Is there a musical score available for Sway or just the lyrics?
Hi Ken, the lyric sheet is now up ready for your download. Re scores: at present we do not have the copyright to publish the score for this vocal arrangement, but got permission to record the audio parts. We are also working on a video version which we will publish soon.
Hello, can you please post the pdf music for the alto line? Thanks
Hi Ellen, at present we do not have the copyright to publish the score for this vocal arrangement, but got permission to record the audio parts. We are also working on a video version which we will publish soon.
Just wondering if there are lyrics for this? Thanks
Yes, thanks Colleen, have added now